The Smashpizza Story
Smashpizza® is the brand new smashable chocolate, lolly and pizza concept taking the market by storm, by 14 year old Sydney school boy, Jesse Lovat.
Packaged in authentic (and environmentally friendly) pizza boxes, these chocolate based, lolly topped Smashpizzas, come complete with a wooden mallet for smashing, making them the ultimate, fun, yum & interactive gift.
Having grown up in a virtual Chocolate Factory (mum is a chocolatier & the founder of Smashcake) Jesse has had an obsession (and addiction!) with chocolate, lollies, smashable treats + pizza his entire life...
His aspiration of becoming a professional foodie (taste tester & recipe creator), his super keen eye for design (enter SP the logo character) and a bucket load of quirkiness, has been rolled together to create SMASHPIZZA.
Jesse has already started taking Smashpizza orders for corporate clients as well as several schools, who have been asking for branded Smashpizza's for team building events, gifting & and PR campaigns. (Check these out under the menu tab.)
Jesse who was diagnosed with ASD in Kindergarten understands that seeing and doing things "outside of the box" is a great asset and one that he's enthusiastically implementing with the Smashpizza brand! He's also proudly donating 5% of every order he takes, to Kids Helpline - a cause he feels strongly about.
The tagline (and hashtag) Jesse created for Smashpizza is #inpizzawesmash.
Whilst Jesse completes his schooling, his parents are assisting with the administration of Smashpizza. Jesse will be designing, creating, taste testing and fulfilling orders on the weekend and after school.
SMASHPIZZA is Jesse's story.
Thank you for coming along for the sweet & wild ride!